School Choice


One Scenario of School Choice

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What does School Choice look like? Here is one scenario. Parent: I do not approve of the curriculum materials that are being used in my child’s classroom. They are not progressing academically and they are coming home and sharing some ideas that are in opposition to what our family believes. Principal: I appreciate your concern but we believe in teaching Culturally Responsive Material and ensuring “equitable outcomes” for all students, so we will continue to teach using that material. Parent: Thank you for your honesty. I know of a private school that is committed to teaching rigorous academics and equipping my child with the necessary skills to compete in the workforce someday. I will be using my voucher and choice to enroll my child there. Have a good day. Principal: Maybe we should reconsider what we are teaching. Expand school choice. Competition is a good thing.

Posts Submitted By

Beanie Geoghegan
Beanie Geoghegan
KY Chapter President at No Left Turn in Education | Website

I no longer teach in the classroom with my elementary and special education degrees, but I still consider myself an educator. I have used my passion for teaching raising my four children who are now young adults, as well as with the children I have volunteered my time with. I am currently using my skills to educate parents in Kentucky about the indoctrination happening in our public schools. I am thankful to have the support of my husband/high school sweetheart on this journey.

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