Re: My October 6, 2020 letter to Jesuit High School. Sacramento (enclosed)

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Gentlemen:   I write in friendship.   Reacting to information provided to me, I prepared and sent the attached to the Jesuit High School (Sacramento) Board of Trustees, as an alumnus, as a Jesuit-educated attorney, and as a longtime political and Catholic activist. I am a Democrat in the style and philosophy of President Kennedy’s Inaugural Address (January 201961), a tradition now entirely gone in the Democratic Party…Read More

Re: Teaching moment lost – an alumnus message about Jesuit High’s website messaging

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To the Board:   I write regarding the content of Jesuit High School’s website regarding the tumult and turmoil that has struck our nation these past several months.   I am a graduate of Jesuit High School Class of 1974. I attended the University of San Francisco, both undergraduate and law (’78 and ’81). As an undergraduate I selected where possible courses taught by scholarly (and by then elderly) Jesuits, to all of whom I became close. I was particularly moved as a student by Andrew Boss, S.J., who taught in USF’s Department of Economics (my undergraduate degree). Fr. Boss…

Re: Errant Jesuits West website

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Attached please find my letter to the Jesuit High School Board of Trustees, dated October 6, 2020. I understand that a parent group also sent a letter to Jesuit the same day. This confluence brings me peace. How extraordinary of the Holy Spirit to separately motivate two such different forces to write letters that arrived on the same day. (I suspect that cynics won’t see the Holy Spirit. They’ll suspect a collaboration. Please do credit the Holy Spirit. It was not a collaboration.) I am please that the faithful are in rebellion. It is the fate we hope awaits all…

Re: Catholic primer for a scandalized laity

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Gentlemen:   I will share a copy of this letter with all who seek a voice against socio-political arrogance disguised as Godly. I will remind them that we the laity have a duty to correct. I hope this letter will become their primer. I have drafted it with that in mind. Though I’m an attorney, I write as a Catholic layperson.   I am well-known to one of you. I have friends in common with all of you.   Right now I am very angry.   Each of your recent public statements about race and politics have been disastrous. Your…