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June 10, 2023

Parents rights groups named in ‘extremism report’

Dr. Elana Fishbein appears on Fox & Friends Weekend to respond to being called an “extremeist” group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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May 15, 2023

New Jersey Parents Rally for Parental Rights and Education Freedom at Statehouse

“New Jersey parents and grandparents and their children rally at State Capitol at 10:30 a.m. ET on May 15 to call for support of parental rights, religious freedom, freedom of speech, and to oppose the sexualization and indoctrination of children in public schools.”

Watch the event on The Epoch Times

May 15, 2023

Woke Medicine’s God Complex

Nancy Andersen, North Carolina Chapter Head of No Left Turn in Education writes about the dangers of gender affirming care.

“Just like Victor Frankenstein’s creation, ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ will haunt society by creating generations of confused kids trapped by activist medical institutions and ideological teachers.”

[icon name=”link” style=”solid” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Read More on American Thinker

April 12, 2023

Transgenders Want Nuclear Family DESTROYED: Parents Are FIGHTING Back AGAINST LGBT SATANIC Cult

Dr. Elana Fishbein appears on The Stew Peters Show and discusses what No Left Turn in Education is doing to empower parents.

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March 21, 2023

‘There is No Research’: Speakers Decry ‘Dangerous’ Transgender Trend for Children

A recent event sponsored by No Left Turn in Education included a panal of speakers sharing the dangers of transgender medical procedures being performed on children.

[icon name=”link” style=”solid” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Read More on Delaware Valley Journal

March 20, 2023

No Left Turn Has Event Cancelled, Pastor Bill Devlin Saves the Day

Dr. Elana Fishbein appears on The Dom Giordano Program with Pastor Bill Devlin to share the story of needing to change venues for the recent event sponsered by No Left Turn in Education.

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February 18, 2023

The Military vs. an Outraged Mom: An Update

Angela Reading appears on Tucker Carlson Tonight to share what happened after she complained about her child’s elementary school.

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February 9, 2023

Get Up and Fight

Dr. Elana Fishbein speaks about standing up and fighting for our children and education on Take Back Our Schools with Andrew Gutmann & Beth Feeley.

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January 30, 2023

Stolen Innocence

Ali Schweitzer shares about the Stolen Innocence event on The Vicki McKenna Show.

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November 27, 2022

Woke pediatrician’s push for child gender transitions is ‘outrageous and insane’

Dr. Elana Fishbein speaks about the push for medical gender transitions on Fox & Friends Weekend.

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