NLTE Reveals Gwinnett County Providing Gender Identity Lessons via Student Laptops


12 August 2022

No Left Turn in Education Reveals Gwinnett County Providing Gender Identity Lessons via Student Laptops

Gender content available only on school devices, not home computers

GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA —  The Gwinnett County School District has made inappropriate gender lessons available to young children on a web page that appears on school-provided Chromebooks but not on home computers.

No Left Turn in Education Gwinnett County chapter president Holly Terei went to her daughter’s school and used her school-provided Chromebook to access the eClass portal, a tool used daily by students and teachers. On the front page, a link to “SEL Student Resources” takes the user to page full of ideologically-driven social-emotional learning content. 

One ebooks on the fourth grade page claims that gender is a social construct “not based on anything biological or medical.” It dismisses the differences between men and women as figments of societal imagination. 

On a non-school laptop, the same “SEL Student Resources” link takes the user to a generic page requiring a login. The gender content made readily available to students at school does not show up if a parent were to look over their shoulder at home. 

Terei said, “Gwinnett County Schools are pushing gender lessons on kids and hiding it from their parents. This is a brazen attempt to supplant the role of parents in their children’s lives. Nothing in the content is educational. It does not serve students; it serves the political goals of bureaucrats.”

A video of side-by-side laptops demonstrating the issue is available here