
Donate to Help Save your Children, Family & Country!

You are living in times like no other. Our liberties are disappearing right before your eyes and your values are being cancelled! IT IS TIME TO FIGHT BACK!!! As a nonprofit national grassroots movement, we are up against the big money and power of the progressive machine, big tech, Hollywood and “mainstream media.” They have awakened a sleeping giant! With your generous, tax-deductible support we can defeat the scourge and save our children and the future of our exceptional nation. Please support NLTE. Every dollar counts.

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Donation Total: $50 One Time

This is What We are Fighting!
Collage 6


No Left Turn in Education is Section 501(c)(3) organization under the IRS code, so contributions are tax-deductible for U.S. taxpayers. Our federal tax identification number is 85-3163475.