Indoctrination in Your State & District

Race-based tutoring program under American Rescue Plan funding

Fulton County School District, Georgia

Submitted: 2022-10-12


In reviewing a purchasing report to be approved at the Sept 2022 school board meeting for Fulton County schools, I came across an RFP for tutoring services that caught my interest. I found the RFP and was shocked to see the Scope of Work explicitly stated that a 14-week 9th grade Alg 1 tutoring program was to be started (1st year $335K, with four 1-year options) and would be "prioritizing students of color, English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing poverty." Knowing this is obviously discriminatory and unlawful, and I had prior knowledge of recent lawsuits filed against Biden administration for similar language in programs under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Infrastructure Act, which judges deemed unconstitutional, I raised the issue in writing with Fulton County Schools. I provided the actual language in the RFP, cited court cases and judges rulings (with appropriate footnotes). I requested the tutoring program be halted, that a legal review be conducted with a view towards the recent court precedents, and that the program be modified to included students based on academic need, regardless of race, language, disability or socioeconomic status. I also requested that any future academic programs ensure compliance with federal and state laws and be based on academic need without any reference to race. Awaiting reply.

Supporting Documents:

Support 1:

Fulton County Schools RFP for Tutoring (see page 33)
